Chiron Vision, a subsidiary of Bausch and Lomb, has developed a scanning
excimer laser system.
the years Chiron has traveled an often painful and tortuous path on their course
to develop a usable laser system. The
original Chiron system was merely a poor copy of the VISX platform and was
rejected outright in the early 1990’s due to clear patent infringement.
However, instead of developing a truly innovative device that was
superior to other conventional technology, Chiron merely attempted to develop a
system that circumvented patent law. Apparently
driven by a need to retrofit their existing hardware to minimize development
costs and a need to get product to the market to survive financially, Chiron
felt compelled to build on existing hardware available in the early 1990’s
rather than create a laser system that would be truly state-of-the-art in 2000.
result is a laser platform that attempts to emulate both the VISX Star S2 and
the Autonomous LADARVision platforms but comes up seriously short on two counts.
Most glaring in these deficits is Chiron’s inadequate eye tracking
methodology – an essential part of an accurate scanning laser system.
Fundamentally, the acquisition time for the Chiron laser is far too long
to properly track a moving eye target. To
compensate for this deficit the Chiron 217 uses a large 2 mm beam to scan the
cornea. Apparently, Chiron’s
engineers came to conclude that if you cannot accurately or consistently aim the
scanning beam at the correct spot, it is much easier to use a “shotgun” than
a “rifle”. In addition, the
German ceramic laser head produces a beam profile that is not nearly as smooth
as even older broad beam laser systems. By
creating a hybrid device that stands between the true scanning lasers and the
broad beam lasers, the Chiron platform is a device that may prove to be useful
for treatments in 1999 but cannot adapt to the surgeons needs into the next
the Chiron Technolas Planoscan 217 laser platform is a 2 mm scanning laser
with a video based eye tracking system.
Fails to provide the surgeon with the ability to “enhance”
nearsighted over corrections especially those with residual astigmatism.
As a consequence, the Chiron Planoscan system is unable to
effectively treat this surgical complication thereby leaving the patient
with sub-optimal vision. The
latter patients must either wait for further FDA approval for the Chiron
system or pay additional fees to have the correction on a more advanced
laser system.
Unable to compensate for rotational eye movements during the
laser procedure thereby often compromising the lasers accuracy in treating
astigmatism. Ignoring
rotational eye movements ultimately results in less accuracy and less
predictability in the surgical outcome.
No “hinge” protection software capabilities increasing
the chance for laser damage to the hinge area of the corneal flap during
LASIK surgery.
Link to Chiron Vision Web Site - www.baushandlomb.com